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Use Make to connect Sendcloud with 1800+ popular apps

About Make

Design workflows with as many steps as you need

Integrate an infinite number of apps in a single workflow

Build complex workflows with Make’s powerful no-code toolkit

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Make is a visual platform that lets you design, build, and automate anything–from simple tasks to complex workflows—in minutes. With Make, you can send information between Sendcloud and thousands of apps in just a few clicks. It’s fast and easy to use, visually intuitive, and requires zero coding expertise. Visualize the workflows you create. Make allows you to visually create, build, and automate workflows. Use the playful drag-and-drop interface to connect apps in a few clicks, and build limitless workflows called scenarios. Set your scenarios to run instantly or per schedule, or watch the scenario run in real-time whenever you need. Create without limits. Make lets you build as if you were a developer, without writing any code.

How to connect

Learn how to connect Make to Sendcloud here

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Available for all Sendcloud plans
Countries available in
Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Italy, France
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